54. Sleeping With Other People (2015)

Sleeping With Other People
Directed by Leslye Headland

This is going to sound lazy and exaggerated, but Sleeping With Other People is one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen. And I’ve seen Carnage Road aka The Legend of Quiltface. At least that made me laugh. And it made more sense than this movie.

Lainey (Alison Brie) and Jake (Jason Sudeikis) casually lost their virginity to each other in college. Fast forward to adulthood and neither can stay in a long-term relationship. Lainey keeps cheating on her boyfriends with an extremely unattractive gynecologist who has no personality or emotions (Adam Scott). Jake just keeps cheating with whomever. They see each other again at a sex addicts’ meeting and for no discernible reason, decide to “just be friends.” So they proceed to have sex with other people, and complain about how unlucky in love they are despite being very best friends who understand each other AND are extremely attracted to each other AND Jake is a millionaire.        ???

A romantic comedy should be either romantic or comedic (preferably both), but this was neither. I went in wanting to like it, because I like Alison Brie and Jason Sudeikis, but I was not impressed with the story. I would recommend any other romantic comedy over this. Seriously, just search for “rom coms” and choose anything that comes up.

 Sleeping With Other PeopleLet’s not mention the whole bottle-fingering scene.

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